September 21 New volume: Edward Elgar Encyclopedia of Ecological Economics.

45: Ethics of quantification,Andrea Saltelli and Monica Di Fiore.
See preprint here.

79: Sensitivity analysis Andrea Saltelli, Arnald Puy, and Samuele Lo Piano.
See preprint here.

80: Sensitivity auditing Andrea Saltelli, Samuele Lo Piano , and Arnald Puy.
See preprint here.

87: Uncertainty, risk and ignorance Andrea Saltelli and Jerome R. Ravetz.
See preprint here.



March 18 Opponent for the PhD thesis “Uncertainty in Ecological Footprint standard method accounts” by Sigurður E. Jóhannesson Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Iceland, 2021.


June 24 A. Saltelli, G. Bammer, I. Bruno, E. Charters, M. Di Fiore, E. Didier, W. Nelson Espeland, J. Kay, S. Lo Piano, D. Mayo, R.J. Pielke, T. Portaluri, T.M. Porter, A. Puy, I. Rafols, J.R. Ravetz, E. Reinert, D. Sarewitz, P.B. Stark, A. Stirling, P. van der Sluijs, Jeroen P. Vineis, Five ways to ensure that models serve society: a manifesto, Nature 582 (2020) 482–484.

-->Taken up in El Pais: Elogio de la incertidumbre

-->Taken up in The Canberra Times: We need new rules on COVID-19 modelling

-->Taken up in the online journal reason.com: Is the COVID-19 Pandemic Self-Flattening, or Will It Grind Relentlessly on?

-->Taken up in the Italian journal Il Manifesto: Covid, analisi dei dati: «Anche i modelli matematici sono influenzabili»

-->Taken up in Scienza in Rete, with an interview: Per un'etica dei numeri e dei modelli

-->Taken up in El Periodico (Spanish version): Modelos matemáticos y decisiones políticas

-->Taken up in El Periodico (Catalan version version): Models matemàtics i decisions polítiques

-->Taken up in Il Corriere Nazionale: Appello degli scienziati per modelli matematici “responsabili”

-->Taken up in the Catalan La Vanguardia: Científicos advierten del uso político de los modelos matemáticos

-->On the pages of the French CNRS: Quelle est la responsabilité des statistiques en temps de crise ?

-->On the pages of the Italian CNR: Da Nature un appello per modelli matematici "responsabili"

-->On the pages of the Dutch University of Leiden: Five principles to preserve social trust in scientific modelling

-->On the pages of the Dutch University of Utrecht: Plea for acknowledgement of uncertainties in policy-guiding models: “No one model can serve all purposes”

-->On the pages of the UK University of Sussex: Role models: The need for responsible modelling in the age of pandemic

-->On the pages of the Norwegian University of Bergen: Can we ensure that mathematical models serve society?

-->On the pages of the UK University of Reading: #WeAreTogether: 'Uncertainty in pandemic forecasts must be communicated'

-->On the pages of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, in Castillan, Cómo construir modelos matemáticos más útiles para la sociedad, by Juan Vilá.
-->On the pages of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, in Catalan, Com es poden construir models matemàtics més útils per a la societat, by Juan Vilá.
-->On the pages of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, in English, How to build more useful mathematical models for society, by Juan Vilá.




August 27-September 1 Course at Castelldefels (Barcelona) Numbers for Policy, Castelldefels, August 27, September 1, --- see slides
May 3 Thanks to the hard work and perseverance of Wu Qiongli from the Chinese Academy of Sciences the Sensitivity Analysis Primer is now available to Chinese students and practitioners.

Link to buy online 1

Link to buy online 2
Qiongli Wu
Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, CHINA



August 14: Just started using Kudos: